Diaphragm Pumps
The NPE pneumatic diaphragm pumps are hiqh quality pumps designed with simple, highly reliable air valve that can ensure non-stop operation which can cause expensive machine downtime costs. All parts of the air valve can be replaced without opening the fluid parts. Aluminium parts undergo a special treatment to resist corrosion caused by dirty air. The plastic slides in the reversing valve are durable and not easily damaged. Lube-free operation to ensure smooth flow of air and flexibility.
These pumps are widely used in the fields of chemical, paint & painting, food, environment protection, petroleum and other industries. All the major components of the pumps can be tailored to suit any application. Please refer to the specification sheets to get an idea of the material of contruction available for each size pump.Please contact NPE for further information or if you require a pump to be designed to suit your application.
1yr warranty on all air diaphragm pumps Click on a picture to enlarge.